1 |
Number Formats |
123456789.12345 |
2 |
Format |
Positive |
Negative Format 1 |
Negative Format 2 |
Negative Format 3 |
Negative Format 4 |
3 |
1234 |
123456789 |
-123456789 |
123456789 |
(123456789) |
(123456789) |
Col I is hidden --> |
4 |
1234.0 |
123456789.1 |
-123456789.1 |
123456789.1 |
(123456789.1) |
(123456789.1) |
This is col J |
5 |
1234.00 |
123456789.12 |
-123456789.12 |
123456789.12 |
(123456789.12) |
(123456789.12) |
6 |
1,234 |
123,456,789 |
-123,456,789 |
123,456,789 |
(123,456,789) |
(123,456,789) |
7 |
1,234.0 |
123,456,789.1 |
-123,456,789.1 |
123,456,789.1 |
(123,456,789.1) |
(123,456,789.1) |
8 |
1,234.00 |
123,456,789.12 |
-123,456,789.12 |
123,456,789.12 |
(123,456,789.12) |
(123,456,789.12) |
9 |
$1,234.00 |
$123,456,789.12 |
$-123,456,789.12 |
$123,456,789.12 |
($123,456,789.12) |
($123,456,789.12) |
10 |
Dates |
Times |
Percentages |
Fonts |
11 |
12/31/2008 |
11/11/2008 10:55 |
1/1/09 1:44:59 am |
23:00:00 |
50% |
Bold |
12 |
02/03/08 |
10:55:48 am |
1/1/09 1:45:00 am |
23:30:00 |
1.23% |
Italic |
13 |
12/31 |
10:55:48 |
1/1/09 1:45:01 am |
Underline |
14 |
December 31, 2008 |
12/01/2009 |
Bold - Italic |
15 |
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 |
Bold - Underline |
16 |
31-Dec |
italic - Underline |
17 |
Colors |
18 |
Red |
Green |
Blue |
Yellow |
Gray |
Orange |
Purple |
Cyan |
19 |
20 |
Format Colors Override Cell Colors: |
(444) |
444 |
21 |
22 |
Col/Row Spans |
Alignment |
Font Size |
Font Family |
23 |
colspan=3 |
left |
10 point |
Times New Roman |
24 |
rowspan=3 |
colspan=2 |
center |
12 point |
Arial |
25 |
rowspan=2 |
right |
16 point |
Verdana |
26 |
20 point |
Comic Sans MS |
27 |
28 |
Formulas |
29 |
Boolean: |
30 |
String: |
Test |
31 |
32 |
Borders |
33 |
Thick Solid: |
left |
top |
right |
bottom |
none |
all |
34 |
35 |
Double: |
left |
top |
right |
bottom |
none |
all |
36 |
37 |
Dashed: |
left |
top |
right |
bottom |
none |
all |
38 |
39 |
Dotted: |
left |
top |
right |
bottom |
none |
all |
40 |
41 |
Border Colors: |
Red |
Green |
Yellow |
Blue |
all |
42 |
This row is 100 px tall |
http://www.google.com |
This also links to Google |
43 |
44 |
The row above this is hidden |
Link to CNN |
And this |
This one too |